Water is a precious commodity, a basic condition for life and symbol of prosperity.
It is the determining factor of human settlement and advancement and it is the only element in the world that has no substitute at any price.
“Peak ecological water” — is the point where, like the concept of “peak oil”; the world has to confront a natural limit on something once considered virtually infinite.
‘Ripple Effect’ is designed to act on a subtle, subconscious level as both a message bearer of Willoughby Councils’ WSUD implementation policies and as a reminder of the importance of water to our global community, celebrating the small measures that will ultimately account for a renaissance of public understanding. It has also been designed to be iconic, engaging, tactile and intellectually both stimulating and transparent.
A quiet, somewhat mysterious and contemplative installation, Ripple Effect is designed to act as an oasis of calm or foil in an otherwise busy environment. Despite the obvious water-like appearance and symbolism of the sculpture, some effort is required on the part of the viewers who by using their imagination to fill in the missing parts initialise a dialogue between themselves and the work.
The informal positioning and horizontal nature of the sculpture encourages further interaction as each component of the installation may be sat on and the contrasting tactile qualities: of smooth and textured, sculpted and natural; explored. Changing light conditions on the artworks’ reflective surfaces and undulating ripples add a kinetic aspect.
The centre of the main installation is a form generated by a giganticised water drop. It and the ensuing ripple function as both a zen-like focal point and as a non-political statement that all larger actions are composed of many smaller actions. A drop of rain will not only make its mark but create ripples and a flow on effect as can every member of a community large or small affect and direct the course of a desired outcome.